Our Partners

Are you ready to propel your business into the digital spotlight? Look no further than Web
Kings, your trusted partner for all things digital.

Hello, my name is Shivani Sharma and I am from Mumbai. I have just completed my MBA in 2022 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 1 year. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Shivani Sharma

Hello, my name is Anju Shrivtastav and I am from Mumbai East. I have just completed my MBA in 2022 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 1 year. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Anju Shrivtastav

Hello, my name is Tripti Sharma and I am from Pune. I have just completed my MBA in 2021 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 2 years. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Tripti Sharma

Hello, my name is Mansii Duhanand I am from Maharashtra East. I have just completed my BBA in 2020 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 1 year. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Mansii Duhan

Hello, my name is Jiya Sharma and I am from Surat Gujarat. I have just completed my MBA in 2022 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 1 year. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Jiya Sharma

Hello, my name is Jyot Kaur am from Ahmedabad. I have just completed my BBA in 2020 and I have been working in Webkings for the last 2 year. Webkings is a company that forms pan-India partners, one of which is me. We bring projects to the company. The company gives us 50% of the project money and no company in India does this. That is why I have been associated with Wapking for the last 1 year. The company has one more quality, it completes any project in the shortest time possible.
Name: Jyot Kaur